The geological studies in Tunisia started with the first scientific expeditions by Le Mesle (1881) and Philipe Thomas (1943), who discovered the deposits of lime phosphate in the south of Tunisia.
The fundamentals of the Tunisian geology were indeed traced by L. Pervinquière (1903) thanks to his brilliant work, which is entitled “Geological Study of Central Tunisia”.
Since that time geological studies have followed an accelerated rhythm.
Since 1947, setting up the geology-service editions, which are represented by Geological-service notes and geology and mine annals, have permitted wide geological knowledge diffusion by the publication of the scientific and technical researches on Tunisia
Since the 1980s, the participation of several geologists bred a considerable development in the basic cartography, which led to the description of the stratigraphic series, the biostratigraphic accuracy of their ages and the establishment of a lithostraitigraphic chart for Tunisia’s geology-training group.
In 2003, the implementation of the Geological- and Mining-Information System (GMIS), made it possible to stock and valorize all of these data so as to be used in a wide variety of domains of the economic activity and be put for the purpose of the country’s lasting development.