This is the basic operation of the tactical prospecting. It concerns the selected targets during the inventory phase.
The information that is collected during this cartography is related to :
- The nature and age of the studied formations: certain of the formations are favorable in the mining research works because they are mineralized (carrier level), such as the case of Bahloul’s facies, which are well known in Tunisia with their richness in Zinc and Plumb metals, We are interested during this phase in a detailed cartography of this fine structure, taking into consideration their importance in the deposit formation.
- The target structure: the structure exerts a preponderant influence on the repartition of the mineral deposits. It favorites the booby-trapping of certain substances and leads sometimes to a dissipation and dispersion of the gite,
- The abundance of the mineralization indexes: the knowledge of the density and nature of the indexes of mineralization permits sometimes to relate the mineralization to a given geologic formation or to a determined structure and provides a first indication of the mineral variety and the type of mineralization that we can wait for.
Building on this work, geochemical and detail-geophysics works can be recommended to confirm or invalidate certain hypotheses.
The ensemble of the collected data leads us to fulfill a synthesis report in which complementary works have been recommended, such as the fulfillment of certain drillings or the abundance of the target.