The editions of the National Geological Service
Since its creation, the editions of Tunisia’s Mine-service have been essentially known by their provisional-geological maps in 1/800000 (1892), 1/500000 (1931 and 1952) and 1/200000.
(Complete covering of Tunisia in 22 breaks)
In 1947, creation date of Tunisia’s Geological Service, several publications have been initiated :
Basic geological maps :
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The first geological map (Bou Ficha) was edited in Tunisia in 1965. Actually, the basic geological covering was fulfilled at 70%. A map cannot be edited unless the selection panel, which is composed of different specialists in the Earth Sciences, approves of it.
Notes of the Geological Service :
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- A selection panel, which is composed of university researchers and senior executives of the enterprise, watches over the scientific and technical content of our publicities.
- An editorial committee controls the destiny and the execution of the selection panel’s suggestions and remarks.
This review was edited under the appellation “Tunisian-geological works” from N°30 to N°53.
Publication of 72 editions.
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Annals of Mines and Geology :
A review devoted to editing the synthesis-thematic studies, science thesis and the symposium and seminary acts of the earth science, was organized in Tunisia.
This review was led by the editorial committee that defines its content and watches over its scientific value.
Publication of 41 editions.
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