Tunisia’s Geological-Service Museum :
It was during the first scientific-exploration mission in Tunisia when the first core collection of the museum had been reaped, by the end of the 19th century, by Aubert, who was a mine engineer (1885-1889) and was responsible for the establishment of the first geological map of Tunisia in 1/800000.
Besides the ancient collections, which are put into the museum, new species in Tunisia could be found. The museum gathers collections of a period that is more than one hundred years. They were published in several national- and international- scientific reviews and thus they have been part of the worldwide geological patrimony.
The NOM’s museum comprises two rooms, where showcases and drawers are arranged, and at which the paleontological, petrographical and mineralogical collections are organized. Concerning the paleontological collections, the stratigraphic order was adopted in the arrangement of the museum. Certain of the paleontological collections are sorted out by authors.
The continuous updating of the collection is assured throughout the invitation of specialists for the revision and the actualization of the determinations.
The enrichment of the collection is fulfilled by the organization of the paleontological excavation on the field
At the museum, methods of modern-collection management have been implemented through setting up a computerized database so as to facilitate the access to those collections.
A laboratory of molding and paleontological preparation has been launched, where the molds of the most wonderful samples are prepared for a pedagogic usage or typical and figurative moldings that are designated to specialists. Also, the fossils have been dug up and restored
So as to valorize and maintenance the geological patrimony, the service periodically organizes scientific manifestations (expositions, symposia and excursions) to :
- Assure the acquaintance of the richness and the diversity of this patrimony
- Preserve this patrimony as being a natural one
- Utilize this patrimony for the purpose of the diversification of the scientific, pedagogical and cultural activities.
A fish’s fossil from the Paleocene of Thala region.
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Museum of the geological Service.
Preparing and painting the molds in plaster in the museum’s laboratory.